Sunday, May 23, 2010


It turns out that May is mosquito season here in Amman.  These creatures are smaller, fiercer and faster-moving than their North American cousins and they have ruined several nights of sleep for me so far. (Is there anything worse in the darkness than that high-pitched doppler effect sound of a mosquito flying by your ear, followed by a sudden silence?)

It doesn't really do to think about what mosquitoes are doing here in Amman.  At a kilometre above sea level on a high, dry, waterless plateau, it is not like there are low-lying marshes and stagnant pools dotting the landscape.   Pondering this question too much leads me to wonder about the water cisterns  that inhabit the roofs of Amman's buildings.  These are filled weekly by water trucks and meet residents' washing, cooking, and drinking needs.  They certainly don't look very reassuring, and I'm not sure how well sealed they are.  I figure that they probably constitute the only source of standing water in the vicinity, and I don't much relish the thought of mosquito larvae swimming around in them.  It does make me glad I get my drinking water delivered, though.

A couple of weeks ago I commented to my various colleagues about the attack of the killer mosquitoes.  They all had the same answer, delivered in a kind of  tone that conveyed a "but, of course, only an idiot wouldn't know about this" message.  Here's the answer:  "well, you have to buy an electronic mosquito killer ... you can pick one up at the Safeway."

Now, coming from the Ottawa Valley, I have a proprietary feeling about mosquitoes and how you repel them.  Skin so soft... citronella candles... deep woods off... cedar name it, I know it.

I like to think that Canadians take mosquitoes very seriously and have all the answers.  So, I admit to being surprised that I have come to the middle eastern desert to discover a Japanese product called Fumakilla - VAPE MAT DEVICE - Electronic Mosquito Destroyer.  It has a special semi conductor.  It also comes *with pilot lamp* but *insecticidal refills* to be purchased separately.  For the packaging alone and at less than $10, I was compelled to buy it today.

I am not sure yet if it works.  I am going to give it a whirl though. 

A whole different question is what I am going to do about the giant cockroaches that have started visiting my kitchen sink of an evening.  Sigh.  Life in a warm climate.


  1. I like the sounds of this VAPE Destroyer. Do keep us posted on its efficacity, and whether it makes a buzzing "zap" every time it kills a bug. (I hope it works because I don't think it would do to traipse around the office trailing Deep Woods or Skin So Soft--much as I love those dramatic scents and their captivating sillage.)

  2. We use those mosquito mats in Sri Lanka. You can carry on feeling proprietary about your mosquito knowledge - they're nothing more than mosquito coils with a different delivery system. You slide the mat in, plug it in, and it heats up to send (toxic?) vapours aloft to kill mosquitos. I'm always a little wary of using them but them it boils down to toxic smoke vs. dengue fever. Neither one looks very good... What about a bed net?

  3. we live in a desert too, and are mysteriously plagued by mosquitos. So give us a review, please.
